Right of revocation or withdrawal
The EU Consumer Directive (regulated in Section 11 (1) FAGG) gives the customer the right to cancel his or her order within 14 days, without giving any reason, and thus withdrawing of the contract concluded between the customer and CATCHme Patsch & Co. KG. The withdrawal period is 14 calendar days and begins on the day on which the customer receives physical possession of the goods.
If the customer has bought several items as part of a single order, the withdrawal period begins on the day the last item is received. In the case of orders in several partial shipments, the withdrawal period begins on the day on which the customer receives physical possession of the last partial shipment.
The receipt of the goods is not to be counted as the beginning of the period.
How must the withdrawal be explained (§ 13 FAGG)?
The revocation must be clearly explained and can take place in any form (e.g. by telephone, e-mail). It does not need a written form. The intention to withdraw from the contract must in any case clearly emerge from the customer's declaration. Simply returning the items is not sufficient and does not meet the requirement of the declaration. The declaration must be made in good time within the deadline provided. The customer also has the option of submitting an unequivocal declaration using a sample form. The sample form can be downloaded below (in German). CATCHme Patsch & Co. KG must immediately confirm the declared revocation on a permanent data carrier (e.g. e-mail).
The revocation must be sent to:
CATCHme Patsch & Co. KG
Franz-Josefs-Kai 65
AT-1010 Vienna
Tel: +43 676 840 402264
Email: info@catchmecashmere.com / office@catchme.cc
No right of withdrawal (§ 18 FAGG)
For items that have been made according to customer specifications or tailored to personal customer needs, the right of withdrawal does not apply.